Mark, We do the transfer for $8.50 per original hour of tape. Assuming your Dig8 tapes are recorded SP then 35 tapes = 297.50 (plus shipping). If you make the copies yourself, you'll still be buying blank dv tapes so the question is whether it's worth your time & hassle to find a deck or camera and make the dubs. R.B. Mark O'Brien wrote: > With 35-40 hours of Digital8 footage, my Sony DCR-TRV110 Digital8 camcorder has gone on the fritz. The repair shop is quoting me $330 for a new drum, due to some kind of contamination they can't clean off. > > Recognizing MiniDV will be around and supported longer than Digital8, I had already upgraded to a newer Panasonic PVDV953 3CCD MiniDV camcorder. I had considered dubbing my Digital8 tapes to MiniDV for archival purposes, using a 4 pin-4 pin Firewire cable. Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten around to it before the Sony went bad. :-( > > So my choices are to: > > A) Spend the $330 to repair my 1999 model Sony ($50 diagnostic fee already paid would be applied to the repair) > > B) Spend $380 for a new Sony DCR-TRV460 (Best Buy's online price) > > C) Pay some third party to convert the 35-40 Digital8 cassettes for me and trash the old Sony. > > I've seen a lot of traffic on this list referring to converting old movies (film) to MiniDV, but never Digital8 to MiniDV. Does anybody know of a service that does this? > > Mark > > ---------- > <>. > Send a message to <MacDV-DIGEST at> to switch to the digest version.