[MacDV] Re: DVD selections - mix and match?

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Tue Feb 3 11:57:02 PST 2004

To answer the question:  No, it's not really possible to mix and match 
tracks like an audio cd.  DVDs have a much more complex structure that 
relies on info files on the disc, and if you move the VOB (video) 
files, the DVD player doesn't know what to do with them.

I don't know of a way to *easily* do what you want -- there are 
freeware and shareware utilities available to do this kind of thing, 
but they tend to be user-agnostic (rather than user-friendly) since 
they are built by programmers (not interface designers).

2 cents.

- Mark

On Feb 3, 2004, at 9:17 AM, James Asherman wrote:

> On Tuesday, January 27, 2004, at 12:42  AM, David Thrasher wrote:
>> I have a little question for when I finally get a DVD burner. If I 
>> made 2 DVDs with short films on each would it be possible to take 
>> selections from each to make a 3rd DVD. I know of course that you'd 
>> have to create a new menu but I was wondering if the files were tied 
>> to the DVD they were made for or if you could take film #1 from DVD A 
>> and film #7 from DVD B and put the files on DVD C without having to 
>> reencode files other than your menu.
>> -Dave
> Others may disgaree , to me, it's impractical .
> Jim

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