[MacDV] iMovie4 audio scrub

Jeff Carlson jeff at necoffee.com
Fri Feb 6 15:25:05 PST 2004

Hold down Option first, then click the Playhead in the Timeline and 
scrub. On my machine, though, it's wicked slow and basically useless 
(PB G4/1.25 GHz).

>I can't get iMovie 4 audio to scrub on either Panther or Jaguar. I've looked
>in preferences, and even though I can see the waveforms, it still won't
>scrub.  Has anyone else had this problem?

Jeff Carlson .................. http://jeffcarlson.com/blog/
Never Enough Coffee Creations...... http://www.necoffee.com/
Managing Editor, TidBITS...........  http://www.tidbits.com/
NEW! iMovie 3: VQS........... http://necoffee.com/imovievqs/

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