[MacDV] Re: AIFF Quicktime Pro conversion question

Granville Kennedy gskiii at telerama.lm.com
Tue Feb 10 13:06:39 PST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Also note that the standard for audio CD requires a 16 bit /44.1kHz  
AIFF file.  If you are only planning to listen to the material from a 
computer, then make the QT conversion to AAC or mp3 or whatever and 
save that as a data file and use the data option when burning in Toast.

		Joey Kennedy.
On Feb 10, 2004, at 2:09 PM, Stephen Spector wrote:

>> I have a 908 MB 16 bit 48 kHz AIFF audio file I want to resize to fit
>> onto a regular CD for play in my car. It is a 90 minute voice audio
>> file so reducing the kHz isn't a big deal with only a subtle quality
>> change.
>> I first exported it from the 48 kHz size to a 32 kHz and this reduced
>> it to 649 MB. On attempting to burn it in Toast gave an error that
>> there were no enough sectors available. ???
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you...
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