Rod, Since your project is probably mono, perhaps you can cut it into two roughly equal parts and create a stereo file that has the first part in one channel and the second part in the other channel. This would allow a maximum of 160 minutes mono time on one 80-minute CD, though you would have to listen out of one speaker for the first half and from the other for the second half, and your playback deck would have to have a balance control. This conversion would be easy in ProTools, the program I use most of the time; I don't know how difficult it would be with other programs, but it's a pretty elementary idea. David P. Reaves, III TransLanTech Sound, LLC Creators of the Award-Winning "Ariane Stereo Audio Leveler" PS: isn't it a shame that the Red Book standard only allows for stereo recordings? Wouldn't it have made some sense to allow mono recordings of twice the length on one CD.... There's LOT of material that was never released in stereo. Just wondering to myself. PPS: don't forget to convert the 48kHz file to 44.1kHz sampling rate. CDs don't like anything else. On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 10:38:28, Rod Duncan <roduncan at> wrote: << have a 908 MB 16 bit 48 kHz AIFF audio file I want to resize to fit onto a regular CD for play in my car. It is a 90 minute voice audio file so reducing the kHz isn't a big deal with only a subtle quality change. <snip> >>