I don't know what programs would be available to do this (I'd be curious to find out myself) but one solution I've heard of to make something fit a certain time (done a lot in television) is to slightly speed up the clip(s). This shortens the clips and if sped up enough, they'll fit the length required. Since digital audio is being used, it is possible to do this without affecting the pitch. There are of course limits on how much you can speed things up before it becomes noticeable. -Dave Original message: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message-Id: <p06002004bc4ecd22fec9@[]> Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 10:38:28 -0800 From: Rod Duncan <roduncan at telus.net> Subject: [MacDV] AIFF Quicktime Pro conversion question This might be slightly off this list's focus but would appreciate any help. (I did cross-post to the Mac Pro Audio List, but it isn't quite as active as this list, so apologies to both list recipients for a double post.) I have a 908 MB 16 bit 48 kHz AIFF audio file I want to resize to fit onto a regular CD for play in my car. It is a 90 minute voice audio file so reducing the kHz isn't a big deal with only a subtle quality change. I first exported it from the 48 kHz size to a 32 kHz and this reduced it to 649 MB. On attempting to burn it in Toast gave an error that there were no enough sectors available. ??? I then tried a conversion to 24 kHz which reduced it down to a smaller yet, 450 MB size. Both of these attempts to burn gave me the not enough sectors available warning in Toast on attempt to burn. ??? What am I missing? Is it because the length is still 90 minutes? The Quicktime file size is small enough to fit onto a 700 MB CD. I ended up spitting it into two-45 minute CD's @ 48 kHZ & 16 bit stereo. However, I did want it on one CD. Any & all help appreciated. Thanks, Rod