[MacDV] Screen grab from a DVD

Dennis Fazio dfz at mac.com
Mon Feb 23 06:56:06 PST 2004

--On Sunday, February 22, 2004 09:05 AM -0500 "Marisa D'Vari (Deg.Com 
Communications)" <mdvari at deg.com> wrote:

> I need to grab an image from a DVD ... I have final cut pro, imovie, etc ...
> any suggestions? Thanks!

Hi, all. Just joined this list to learn more about video. Though others have 
responded to this query, I think I can fill in a little extra info and make 
my first post an answer rather than a question:

You can usually use the built-in OS X Grab utility, but not all Macs can do 
that depending upon the video hardware included. I know my TiBook cannot 
because it uses Radeon video hardware. I think the nVidia models do allow 
Grab to work OK because of the different way they have the frame buffers 
connected (or something like that).

If you use VLC for playback instead of the OS X DVDPlayer, it bypasses some 
of the video display hardware when writing on the screen and you will be able 
to use Grab (or other screen capture utilities) just fine.

Dennis Fazio

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