[MacDV] Sony TRV 900 Questions

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Mon Feb 23 12:37:33 PST 2004

On Monday, February 23, 2004, at 01:13  PM, Steve Robertson wrote:

> Two questions:
> I recently purchased a memory card for my TRV900- so I could shoot 
> stills without using the tape. When shooting stills with the tape, I 
> could see a big difference between stills shot with progressive scan 
> and those without progressive scan. The stills captured to memory look 
> much better than the ones captured on tape. I'm wondering if the 
> setting for progressive scan in the camera menu has any effect on 
> stills captured to memory?

They are automatically Progessive scan. Use the SFN mode.

> I'm also wondering about head cleaning. Do mini-DV head cleaning tapes 
> do a good job? Is it important to use a Sony head cleaning tape? Or is 
> there something better out there?
> Steve R.

I use a sony cleaning tape ,
Not TOOO much.  and sometimes I do what you might consider a 
traditional headccleaning on one of my mini DV's but I was scared and I 
think it could kill it with one false move , but it lived and I am 
quite clumsy. I don't have the guts to mess with the 900 yet though.

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