On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 00:56:04 -0800 (PST), Paul Miller <pauljosephmiller at yahoo.com> wrote: >I'm interested in joining the trend of transferring >VHS family video to DVD. I've narrowed it down to >these components >1. Dazzle Hollywood DV Editor for mac (now >discontinued but available). >2. Lacie FW D2 HD (120mb seem fine) >3. Lacie FW dvd. (has roxio lite included?) Just wanted to be sure that you know that, if you have or are planning to get a digital camcorder, you can use many DV camcorders as an analog-to-digital converter for importing old analog video. If the camcorder has "video pass-through" mode, you can plug the A/V cables from a VHS deck, for example, into the camcorder, connect the camcorder to your Mac via FireWire, and import the video into iMovie or other software. I've done this with my Canon ZR 40, and it works fine. -- Gordon Alley <*> <mailto:galley at texas.net> <http://galley.home.texas.net>