On Friday, January 2, 2004, at 09:36 PM, R B Williams wrote: > They are in the same general spots, though not frame accurate. This is > a live video of a > musical presentation, so each time the applause fades away, there is > some time of quiet > before the next work starts. When the sound jumps back in, we have > missed the beginning > moment! It is very disconcerting and I really need to find a way > around this. > > My first reaction to your explanation is "That is your camera dude!" The loud appluase makes the compressor in the camera lower the sound, and it takes several seconds at least to recover. then sensing the silence it turns up the gain only to lower it again hurriedly when the show starts. If there is anything at all some tricky audio editing with an expander gate could help. Not the easiest thing to fix and I might be totally wrong but that is what it sounds like. Jim