As long as we are playing a little today and I just delivered all my work yesterday and today I took some time to adjust the internet speed of my second computer. It is a 9600 OS 9.1 It has 100baseT ethernet card Radeon 7000 more scsidrives (9gig cudas) and sonnet G4 700 And Digi 001. One might ask why record there when this is such a better machine? Better sounding room than my office.Room for guitars and an amp closet, Organ. Large stereo. High ceiling. Brick walls. Any way, after muuch fiddling I got the dots and numbers in the right places so it gets it's DHCP from the router instead of whereever it was looking. Whooeee! My kid is lovin' it and she makes this thing jump through hoops anyway. Hope the wife is impressed . Jim