[MacDV] Re: Maxtor 160GB (Blue and White G3)

Richard Gilmore rgilmor at uwo.ca
Wed Jan 7 15:42:49 PST 2004

Quoting Peter van der Linden <pvdl at afu.com>:

> So far no one has produced any evidence.  

Neither have you.

>You understand that it is up 
> to those making a claim to produce the evidence in support, right?  The 
> person who disbelieves a claim is entitled to ask for the evidence on 
> which it is based.  None has been produced, nor will it be, since the 
> belief is bogus.   

Says you.

>If you make a claim "A", and someone says "I don't 
> believe you", then you lose the argument if you can't support your 
> claim, e.g. if your response is "bupkiss, whatever works for you" or 
> "prove it".

And where's the support for your claim?

> Regardless, when I get the time, I will write some benchmarks to show 
> (one way or the other) that "defragmenting" a disk does nothing of 
> significance for I/O performance for MacOS 10.3.

You will write the benchmarks, which of course will totally agree with your
argument. How about an independant third party evaluation. Is there any?


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