I have decided that I need to start doing regular backups of some of my critical data, but when I looked at my "users folder" for example I realized that it was about 6 gig so backing up to rewritable CD's is not a good option. I recently purchased a 120 gig external firewire drive for my digital video files but I don't want to use this space to back up my main hard drive. I could purchase a rewritable DVD drive or I could purchase another harddrive. Do people have preferences? I have a Quicksilver G4, dual 1Ghz machine which I hope to keep for some time. Should I investigate installing a USB 2.0 or Firewire 800 card and then buy a new harddrive for my video? I could then use the 120 gig firewire 400 as my backup. Are there huge advantages to using rewritable DVD's for backup? Any advice would be most welcome. Doug Mitchell