[MacDV] Re: imovie import loses sound

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 14 09:56:20 PST 2004

I found this on El Gato's site. Quoting:
(a free audio conversion tool for OS X)

You'll also need QuickTime Pro to export to DV.

Do the following to use your EyeTV files with iMovie or iDVD:

1.	Export a recorded program from EyeTV, by using the File --> 
Save as QuickTime command.
2.	Use bbDEMUX on the exported EyeTV file. You'll get a video 
file which ends with .m1v, and an audio file that ends with .m1a.
3.	Use MAD to convert the .m1a file into AIFF format.
4.	Use iMovie to import the AIFF file - it shows up as an audio 
track at the bottom of the screen.
5.	Use the QuickTime Player to export the .m1v file to DV by 
using the File --> Export command.
6.	Please note that the DV file size that iMovie accepts is 
limited to 2GB (9 minutes or less). Trim your video file into smaller 
segments before trying to import it.
7.	Use iMovie to import the DV file - it shows up as a video 
clip on the top right of the screen.
8.	Drag the video clip to the bottom of the screen, and now the 
video is synched back up with the audio.

Now you can use iMovie to do whatever you want with your EyeTV 
recording. You can export your movie to QuickTime format, or keep it 
in DV format for use with iDVD.

>>At 11:46 AM -0500 1/14/04, Paul Williams wrote:
>>>Well, i spent hours yesterday opening these mpegs in QT and 
>>>exporting in every format i could ... i mean, i literally went 
>>>through every one! No luck. I'm not sure how these mpegs were 
>>>made, but it seems any exporting drops out the sound.
>>>Oh well.
>>I meant, export the m1a file, not the mpeg file...
>>Can you export the m1a file to AIFF or WAV?
>>-- Erica
>I don't know (???). Good question! Let me try and see what happens!
>Thanks for your patience!

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