In a message dated Sun, 18 Jan 2004 18:41:19, Dorothy Hennings <hennings at> writes: << Thanks to Michael R, Fabian I, rrsounds and Robert R for your suggestions on problem of finding and trashing partly encoded iDVD from iMovie. I had trashed my project "Name of project.dvdproj" as well as one called "My Great DVD.dvdproj" which the program puts in -- to no avail. When I start a new DVD from scratch, the customize status in iDVD 3 still says 4.17 GB of 4.40 GB encoded. Project size 56.50 min. I also checked on my startup disk space. I clicked on OSX in finder and then on any other such as Applications. At the top of the window it reported 712.4 MB available which should have been plenty of space for encoding. My project is on the outside firewire HD which is a 176 GB La Cie. Is my arithmetic right? 4.40 Gb minus 4.17 Gb = 0.23 Gb, which is 230 MB which should fit in the 712.4 MB left on the OS X startup HD. I guess I need to trash the iDVD application and reinstall from the Jaguar disk if that is possible without installing iMovie 3, iPhoto 2 etc. Let me know on this. Thanks in advance >> I've run into this problem before. This is what I was trying to explain in my previous post I believe the 712.4 MB free space you have is simply not enough. iDVD may take as much as 4.5 GB to make a DVD, and you don't have that much free space on your boot (OSX) drive. Your iMovie project is on the external drive, but it's my experience that iDVD wants to use your OS X boot drive to encode onto, before it burns the disc. Clear out any failed attempts, then make sure you have 4.5GB free space, before you start reinstalling everything. If someone knows a way to get iDVD to encode onto an external, or any disc other than the OSX boot drive, I'd be grateful if you'd let us know. David Reaves