How can I make my own iMovie transitions?

Darrin Cardani dcardani at
Thu Jan 22 09:26:58 PST 2004

At 5:47 AM -0800 1/22/04, "MacDVAddict" <MacDVAddict at> wrote:
>I have seen various plug ins with custom transitions for iMovie.  I would
>like to know how I could make my own, custom transitions for iMovie.  I
>have searched both the newgroups and the web and really can't find any
>information about this.  Thanks....

If you want to do more complex transitions that are possible with a 
gradient wipe, and you're a programmer, you can download the iMovie 
SDK from Apple at:


(Just use your browser's "Find" command to find the word iMovie on the page.)

This is what I use to write many of GeeThree's Slick Effects, 
Transitions and Titles.

Darrin Cardani - dcardani at
President, Buena Software, Inc.
Video, Image and Audio Processing Development

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