[MacDV] Re: SuperDrive Firmware

Bas Oskamp bas at oskampbv.demon.nl
Fri Jul 16 12:01:06 PDT 2004

For those who speak/read French I would suggest the following site:
Here you can obtain files for flashing the 104,105,106 and 107 series. 
And all done on your Mac without the need of a PC.

Besides this they also offer several nice programs that sound 
promising, for example Moviegate.

Take a look

Op 16-jul-04 om 17:44 heeft Mark M. Florida het volgende geschreven:

> The sad thing is, the 104 *is* a 2x drive.  The problem is the media.  
> Most
> media you get these days only burns at 1x on the 103 and 104 drives.  
> If you
> have access to a Windoze box, you can update to the latest "official"
> firmware from Pioneer and get 2x burning back on more varieties/brands 
> of
> media.
> - Mark
> On 7/16/04 10:00 AM, Gordon B. Alley at galley at texas.net wrote:
>> Just wondering what experience others have had with the SuperDrive
>> Firmware updaters referenced here at MacUpdate:
>> <http://macupdate.com/info.php/id/15031>
>> I am primarily interested in upgrading the firmware for the original
>> DVR-104 in my 15-inch flat-panel iMac. One of the upgrades for this
>> model will allegedly make it region-free (not really important for
>> me) and double its DVD-recording speed to 2X (this would be cool).
>> Note that there are corresponding firmware upgrades listed for all
>> the SuperDrives up to 107D.

Bas Oskamp

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