archiving footage on DVD

Jim Heid jim at
Tue Jul 27 08:57:54 PDT 2004

> Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 13:43:11 -0500
> Subject: archiving footage on DVD
> From: Malcolm Hamilton <malcolm_hamilton at>
> Message-ID: <BA41DB6E.1CA7%malcolm_hamilton at>
> Hello!
> I'd love some advice!
> I have a hundred-plus hours of Hi-8 family movie footage, dating back ten
> years, and lately I've been worried about it degrading away on the shelf.
> I'll want to edit it someday, but realistically, I won't have the time for
> at least a few years - - so I want to store it, digitally, so that when I
> finally do get around to editing it, it won't be all washed out, etc.
> What's the best way of storing it?

I wrote a feature on this very subject for Macworld's June issue.


Jim Heid
Editorial Director, Avondale Media
Contributing Editor and "Digital Hub" columnist, Macworld
Author/Host, "The Macintosh iLife '04" book/DVD
Improve your iLife at

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