On 7/27/04 at 11:16 AM, "Mark M. Florida" <markf at squareblue.com> transmitted the following electronic message: > >You can either pay out the nose for 2x media (TDK 2x media works good, >but costs about $2.50 per disc), or figure out how to install an 8x >drive in your iMac (I'm sure there are pages on the 'net to show how >to do this -- maybe http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/). > I don't know where you're purchasing TDK 2x media, but they're ripping you off badly at $2.50/DVD-R. I can purchase a 25 disk spindle at CostCo for their standard price of under $1/disk (less, when they have a promotion like the current "buy one get one free") Similarly, I purchased a 25 disc spindle at Fry's for $19.99 on a recent sale. -- Dennis R. Cohen FileMaker Pro 7 Bible (Sept 2004) Teach Yourself Visually iLife04 Mac Digital Photography (and other titles)