Importing From DVD

thomas fritscher tomfrit at
Sat Jun 5 13:58:53 PDT 2004

You need to convert it back into another format. "Handbrake" (find it on
Versiontracker) does that pretty quickly. It'll convert it into an mpg
movie which IMovie might be able to use (if not, you'll have to export
it as DV .mov from QT Player)
I hope this helps,

Am 05.06.2004 schrieb Macintosh Digital Video List unter
MacDV at

>Message-Id: <12AF74D9-B6DB-11D8-BD4B-00039390672A at>
>From: Neil Bennett <ibenz at>
>Subject: Importing From DVD
>Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2004 11:28:23 +0100
>Hi (again)
>I have a DVD of a wedding that I burned using iDVD 3 which I would like 
>to re-import into the iMovie 4 to re-edit (I no longer have the 
>original camera footage or iDVD project file) but I'm unsure of how to 
>do it. When I insert the DVD into my Superdrive an icon appears on my 
>desktop and when I double click the icon it produces two files which 
>are named AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. Do I have to somehow convert these 
>files into a DV file before I can import them into iMovie again?
>Thanks (again)

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