[MacDV] Re: Mac rookie needs your opinion

Paul Moortgat paul.moortgat at pandora.be
Fri Jun 11 18:23:14 PDT 2004

See the Apple shop for options (and prices) to order.

Paul Moortgat

On 12-jun-04, at 03:07, ShirleyK wrote:

> On Jun 11, 2004, at 12:48 PM, wtfletch at direcway.com wrote:
>> I am going to make the switch over to the dark side - MAC.
> Ha Ha - that's what we call the other side
>> I'm considering that bad boy G5 dual 2.5G. I need the opinion of "the 
>> Pro's" on what I should add to the stock G5. I was thinking 1G mem,
> You mean total memory or adding 1 Gig to what it comes with? I have 2 
> Gig on my G4 (last top of the line before G5) You can never have too 
> much memory (just kidding - 8 gig is kind of over the top for a video 
> beginner)
>> 250G sata to start off with (plus the 23inch monitor).
> I hope you know about the $500 back with this monitor but check the 
> ending date. It's real soon now.
>> Someone told me that I could get an ATI all-in-wonder card for the G5 
>> and make it my home entertainment center. Anyone try this yet?
>> Also, I am going to get into DV editing so I needed your suggestions 
>> for an additional application. I don't need to make a movie but I'd 
>> like to have some nice features and not have to go back to school for 
>> a year to be able to operate it! I will eventually have a lot of home 
>> movies to edit/burn.
>> Final Cut express?
> I would play around with iMovie for a while. Find out what its 
> limitations are for the kind of work you expect to do. It comes with 
> the machine, so it costs nothing to try it. Then, maybe you'll have a 
> better basis for deciding between the two Final Cut programs (Pro & 
> Express)
>> Thanks in advance and sorry to bother you all with these piddly 
>> question but I have to learn somewhere, might as well learn from the 
>> Pro's!
> Sorry not a pro at all.
> Shirley

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