duplicate archived DVDs

Gordon B. Alley galley at texas.net
Wed Mar 3 06:43:19 PST 2004

On Wed, 03 Mar 2004 10:40:36 +0100, Tim Shirey 
<shirey at illustratedWORD.com> wrote:
>I thought the easiest way to make multiple copies of my DVDs (I produced)
>was to use the Apple Disk Copy utility to create a disc image (.dmg file) of
>my master DVD and then drag those files (AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders) onto
>the blank DVD for burning.
>Doing it this way would also solves the problem of how to archive finished
>projects without having to keep FCP files, iDVD menu files, audio clips,
>multiple .mov files, etc. files on my HD.  I would only need a master DVD on
>hand to make copies in the future.
>I'm running into a new problem.....
>I open the .dmg file and drag the two folders (audio_ts, video_ts) from the
>disc image to the blank DVD for burning.  The DVD burns fine.  I pop the
>newly burned DVD into the Mac, the DVD player comes up but doesn't
>automatically open the menu.  I need to manually open the VIDEO_TS folder to
>start up the movie menu, etc..  What am I doing wrong?  Are there hidden
>files that are not being copied over that are on the master DVD?  If so, I
>thought the disc copy utility copied those as well.
>Any solutions?  I simply want to duplicate completed/archived DVDs.

I've made good DVD copies using Apple Disc Copy (now Disk Utility) 
without having to do anything with the folders on the discs. 
Translating to DU nomenclature, IIRC I just do Images->New->Image 
from (Select a Device)..., tell it you are creating a CD/DVD Master, 
and let it create the image on a hard disk. Then use Images->Burn... 
for each DVD copy I want to make.

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at texas.net>

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