[MacDV] Re: duplicate archived DVDs

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Thu Mar 4 10:17:54 PST 2004

Whether you burn with DVDSP 2 or Toast or the Finder, when you burn a 
video DVD it has to be more than 700 MB (I have no idea why) -- so it 
will burn "blank space" on your DVD-R to fill it up that much -- thus 
the extra time.  Even though your 1 minute video is very small, it will 
burn 700 MB on the DVD, and most of it will be empty sectors...  Maybe 
it's a spec for video DVDs that they have a certain number of sectors?  
Anybody know why this happens?

- Mark

On Mar 4, 2004, at 10:49 AM, Carter Tomassi wrote:

> I am just getting into Studio Pro 2 and trying to grasp that manual. 
> Is this method you mention any faster that doing it the way SP2 does  
> burns extra DVDs? After the process is complete in SP2 it stays in the 
> Finished box for several minutes. I am burning at 4x, I believe. And I 
> am only doing one minute "movies" with no chapters, buttons, etc.
> Thanks,
> Carter

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