[MacDV] Re: blurred pix in FCP 4

Ray Statham raystatham at shaw.ca
Thu Mar 4 10:35:27 PST 2004

They are all scanned higher than normal so I can zoom if I choose to.


On 4-Mar-04, at 10:19 AM, Mark M. Florida wrote:

> If they're not high enough resolution, FCP may scale them up, 
> resulting in blurry images...  (?)
> - Mark
> On Mar 4, 2004, at 12:08 PM, Ray Statham wrote:
>> I've been working on a project with lots of still photo), and when I 
>> play them back in the canvas they always go soft, blurred beyond 
>> anything acceptable. Will this be corrected when I export to tape, or 
>> is there something I should be doing now?
>> Ray

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