problem burning dvd from iMovie vhs

Lorna Hardin ljh at
Mon Mar 8 18:08:37 PST 2004

Hello - 

I am attempting to burn a dvd from a vhs exported from iMoive2. I'm using a Samsui unit that will copy either vhs to dvd or dvd to vhs -- if there is no copy protection of course. 

I have gotten an error message on two different videos created with iMovie which indicate there is a copy protection issue when trying to burn the dvd.

The videos are either of the home variety shot originally on a Sony Hi8 digital camcorder or taped from tv. The video was imported into iMovie for editing, and then exported out through the camcorder (or converter box), and then to vcrs to make multiple vhs copies.

Is anyone aware of some sort of copy protection that gets imbedded when using iMovie?

Thanks for any information -- please email me at ljh at

L. Hardin

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