[MacDV] Help! Can't get my DVD Studio Pro project to fit... :(

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Wed Mar 17 08:14:42 PST 2004

At 7:29 PM +0900 3/17/04, Peter Payne wrote:
>I am burning my first "professional" DVD projects, but I'm having 
>the hardest time getting the media to fit into 4.3 GB of space. I've 
>got two movies, which are an hour and 18 minutes, and 47 minutes, I 
>need to fit onto the disc. I've tried a variety of ways of making 
>the media smaller, but it always seem to want to be 4.7 GB or more 
>when displayed in the DVDSP disc meter. I cannot get the movies to 
>fit, no matter what I do.
>I've tried various things. Of course I've tried changing the bit 
>rate setting in DVDSP, but it doesn't seem to change the size of my 
>project at all. Instead of exporting full-quality Quicktime movies 
>with Final Cut Pro Express 2 and importing them into DVDSP, I am 
>playing with doing the conversion in Compressor, but so far (using 
>settings for 120 minutes) I am getting nowhere -- when I import 
>those MPEG-2 movies into DVDSP and put them in my project, the 
>overall size is way too big again.
>Can anyone help? Why does changing the bit rate in DVD Studio Pro to 
>1 or 2 product no overall difference in the size of my project as 
>written out to a DVD-R?
>Thanks in advance
>Lost in Japan

Have you done a bit budget? What kind of menu graphics
are you using?

-- Erica

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