Here in Del Mar, CA we have a public access channel. You need to go to producers course before being able to produce a show. However once you complete the short course you have access to the studio (pro lighting, cameras, etc) and you can use there equipment in the field at very reasonable rental rates. I would search google for public access channels in your are then contact them to see if they have a similar set up. There is a list of public access stations here: You can check out our station in Del Mar to see how they operate: Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 09:49:46 -0500 Subject: [MacDV] Local Cable TV Video Quality From: Steve Robertson <stever at> Message-Id: <55A93E80-7822-11D8-BCF6-000393AE2E76 at> A lot of larger cable systems operate their own "local" channel that is not broadcast, but only exists on one of the unused cable channels. Anyone ever produced any DV programming for one of these stations? Is the quality of DV from any 3CCD camera theoretically good enough? I've noticed that FCE provides a filter to make sure your colors are not over saturated for NTSC standards. Any other considerations when shooting to run on local cable? Does anyone know if these local stations have a regional or national association that might maintain a database of the stations? Steve R.