You can. Once the sound file is converted and in the AUdio-TS folder, iDVD doesn't know the difference. It's just much smaller than before so the encoding moves more swiftly. I did a comparison on a project that was 1:18 min total playtime. First pass in iDVD with original audio took 3:35 2nd pass using the new audio encoded in 2:04 Additionally, the 2nd version plays without skips on 2 older consumer DVD machines that can't handle the original. It must have something to do with the bitrate, though I don't know the specifics. That "feature" is the reason I tried this initially and just happened to discover that it makes extra room for longer video time on each disc. R.B. > I have been wondering though whether one could do an iDVD AND make an > APack 5.1 soundtrack and put it in the AUdio-TS folder for a choice, > presuming one has the data space,? > Jim