[MacDV] Re: Bizarre Final Cut Pro Problem

animal animal at cuug.ab.ca
Sat Mar 20 11:34:46 PST 2004

Yes, I sent both infected messages and they were to two totally 
unrelated people - both never emailed before.  That's why I'm a bit 
scared.  I'm assuming both are PC's and perhaps their antivirus 
software is seeing viruses.  The one also thought my email was spam.

I think it's just the one drive doing this but due to the virus 
scenario, I haven't tried any others.  The drive did work just fine 
last week for downloading.

I have now trashed the suspect virus attachment also.  I'm wondering if 
'just having it on the system' could have buggered things.

The startup disk (Emac internal) had 4.4-10GB of space.  The external 
had 65-119GB during these problems as I captured DV to it.  But I did 
have the camcorder and firewire external plugged into both emac 
firewire ports.  I'll try daisychaining next time.

Thanks for your responses

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