Copying a burned DVD disc

Gordon B. Alley galley at
Sun Mar 21 21:46:38 PST 2004

On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 15:34:47 -0600, Steven Rogers 
<srogers1 at> wrote:
>On Mar 21, 2004, at 3:27 PM, Jim Simmons wrote:
>>>  You can use Disc Copy, but I have never tried it.
>>  I have successfully used Disc copy to make four copies of a DVD. Each
>>  copy looks like the original.
>There's a check box you need to check when duplicating a DVD - I forget
>the exact wording, but its something like "preserve video format".
>You'll know it when you see it.  That's why people don't think of Disk
>Copy - its perfectly capable of doing that job, but you just need to
>check the non-obvious check-box to make it work. When it burns a
>coaster, people just assume that it won't work.

I believe you're referring to selecting the "CD/DVD Master" format 
from the popup when you burn the copy.

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at>

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