[MacDV] Video Import Problems

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Mon Mar 22 10:42:49 PST 2004

That's normal.  It's not a problem, it's just part of the original 
analog signal.  It won't show up when you play it on a TV, so you 
shouldn't worry about it.  If you need to export to QuickTime and want 
to get rid of it, you can make a mask in Photoshop and apply that in 
your QuickTime movie using the "Pro" version of QuickTime Player.  
(it's not too complicated, but beyond the scope of this reply).

- Mark

On Mar 22, 2004, at 12:12 PM, Richard Gilmore wrote:

> We've got a JVC HR-DVS3U VCR connected to a G4, OSX 10.3, iMovie 3, 
> via a FW
> cable and sometimes when we import video there is a line at the bottom 
> of the
> picture. It's a little hard to describe but the video is there with 
> sound that's
> ok, except for this line at the bottom of the picture. It looks like 
> it contains
> video information and it moves with the picture. There doesn't seem to 
> be a way
> to remove it and it shows up on the DVD when you burn it. Does anybody 
> know what
> this is and how to correct the problem?
> thanks
> Richard

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