Thanks to everyone who helped. Based on all input, this seems to be what's happened. I know the source of the virus. It came from someone I was expecting a contract from. I tried to open the attachment assuming it was the contract. Later I found out he sent the email but not with an attachment. Unaware that I was infected - I'm pretty sure the virus piggybacked on my email to at least three people I emailed (all PC users). Now, none of my external hard drives work with this computer for downloading Final Cut Pro anymore. Plus my emac OS 10.2.8 is still sluggish even after being repairing with disk utility (it says the Emac is fine), it looks like Gregg's experience with a PC virus is what's happened to me: Gregg said: "It was a fairly easy fix using Virex, but it did wipe out my system file and it took about two full days to troubleshoot and get things back to normal." I will mention Final Cut Pro won't work worth a dam now so it looks like I'm going to have to reinstall everything from scratch. Plus that'll kill the PC virus. Appleworks is also sluggish but Photoshop seems to be working fine. I've updated Norten twice (three days ago and again now), so hopefully it will help, though it just seems to update the same files over and over. Though there aren't any 'Mac viruses' as such, this PC virus has cost me some time. Since Antivirus for Mac won't recognize PC viruses or get rid of them, (now I'm wondering why I bought it) I will never open another attachment again. Lynn