[MacDV] Re: Capture in FCE, video okay but no sound

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sun Mar 28 19:07:19 PST 2004

On Sunday, March 28, 2004, at 04:08  PM, lloyds wrote:

> How do I make the sound come out of the speakers?

It is buried in the capture settings panel, deep in the audio section.
  I would still just hook up an analog monitor instead.
Less strain on your machine.
>   It is definitely worth it because I'm
> selectively capturing segments from interviews, and I need to locate 
> the start and stop
> points by listening to the tapes and hearing what people are saying-- 
> the visual cues
> are non-existent.  The meters are moving.  Why can't I hear anything?  
> When I switch to
> iMovie, I can hear the sound fine, but in FCE, no sound at all from 
> either computer or
> camcorder.

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