Selecting clips iMovie4

Eric Phillips PHILLIE at
Mon Mar 29 05:22:38 PST 2004

I tried selecting multiple clips in the time line but I had hard time
doing so. I tried shift-clicking, ctrl-clicking and opt-clicking. I
think the thing that finally worked was shift-clicking several times
until all the clips were selected. Is there a better way to select
either contiguous and/or none contiguous clips in the time line?
Shift-clicking on the clips 4-5 times does not seem to be an efficient
way to do this.

I also want to know how envious I have to be of you lucky ones that
have top of the line G5s. I was doing some brightness/contrast
adjustments to a lot of clips, about 4 hrs later I was done. A 30sec
clip would take about 10mins to render. How quickly does a G5 do this?


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