Checking out the Mary & Mars site, it looks like their clips are playing at 10 fps or maybe even less. Which suits the subject well. And it cuts down on the file size of the movie, most likely making it stream quicker. I agree that those images look very crisp. Wonder if Unsharp Mask was used? (BTW, nice music!) You might have better luck with your questions writing to the sites, or the band in this case, and asking them who shot and edited their videos. Lots of people are more than willing to talk about their techniques. And, if you aren't already a member, Creative Cow ( has a number of active forums with a lot of professional input. Carter Tomassi > I think this discussion should be divided into techniques for > streaming > video and techniques for video distributed on CD-R. I'm mainly > concerned with CD-R distribution, but I ran across some very sharp > streaming Sorenson 3 video: > > > > Steve R.