On 5/19/04 7:42 PM, "Richard Brown" <richard at go2rba.com> wrote: > With only one hour of "quality" video possible on a 4.7 GB DVD-R, you'll > have to consider dealing with VHS or sub VHS quality to fit a feature > film on a DVD-R. As you are starting from VHS, the compression could > compound the already low resolution/quality of your source material. > > One excellent choice to IMPROVE your VHS when digitizing is to > rent a Time Base Corrector (TBS) for the weekend from a local video > rental house. Maybe even rent a pro level VHS deck WITH a built > in TBC. Playing a VHS as processed through a TBC into a DV > converter will create DV files which are, to say the least, > night and day better than ordinary VHS playback. I don't know if it's cheaper to rent a pro VHS deck vs. buying a new consumer deck, I can attest to the quality of JVC's S-VHS players. I have the HR-S7800 and it has digital TBC and noise reduction. The difference is quite startling. It's also available very cheap these days, S-VHS/VHS just isn't popular anymore. I also have a Canopus ADVC-300 analog/digital converter which is a great choice as well. I find though that for most VHS tapes the JVC is enough. The Canopus just allows a much greater range of tweaking. -- Heather Donahue