Avid Xpress Pro exception

R Underwood rcundd at hotmail.com
Fri May 21 12:36:28 PDT 2004

I've got Avid Xpress Pro 4.3.0 on MacOS 10.3.2.

I have a half-hour project, nearly done, which I can
no longer play successfully in Avid.  I was modifying
audio gain on one of many clips within a sequence
by adding a keyframe.  Then when I tried to play the
sequence to hear my change, I got an error dialog
saying just this:


I tried exiting the application and restarting it, but
I still can't play the sequence anymore.  I tried
moving the blue playhead in the timeline, but I
still can't play the sequence.

This is a showstopper.  Any suggestions on how to
work around this?


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