on 5/31/04 10:24 AM, Tiik at aol.com at Tiik at aol.com wrote: > QUESTIONS: > 1. How do I make a final Premiere Movie that anyone on any computer with any > movie reading software can read? > ...a movie that anyone with a Mac or IBM compatible > can view? Not everyone has Premiere. > 2. Will their IBM compatible Quicktime software open a Mac created Premiere > movie? > Will other software open a Premiere Movie? > 3. In the Premiere Make Movie process should I COMPRESS as something > other than VIDEO to make the movie more compatible with a wide > variety of movie readers? > 4. Shall I also burn a movie reading application to the CD...like Quicktime > 5.0 > even if my QT is Mac? Shall I down load non-Mac QT and burn both QT's to CD? > > All help is welcomed and appreciated. > Tiik It's been eons (well, a long time anyway) since I've used Premiere but the bottom line is that it utilizes Quicktime just like FCP, so you should be able to export to any of the various Quicktime formats. Quicktime does come in a Windows version for those PC users, however that may require the user having to install it if it's not already on the machine. The best bet, both quality and compatibility-wise would to be to export to MPEG-2 and create a CD/DVD that could be played on either computer platform or a stand-alone DVD player, however it sounds like you may not have that option (unless maybe you have a friend with iDVD or something). Another option would be to convert to MPEG-1 and create a VCD. Here again, you would need something like Astarte's MPack to convert to MPEG-1 and Toast to burn to VCD, but this would also be very cross-platform compatible. If the above options won't work for you, I would suggest outputting to the "expert full quality" setting in Quicktime (which is DV format) as a backup to start, and then try exporting with the Sorenson codec, which should work on both the Mac and PC (although not 100% sure on this) and still maintain reasonable good quality. Hopefully others with chime in with some ideas. Good luck, -- Gregg