[MacDV] QT Movies

Dorothy Hennings hennings at verizon.net
Tue Nov 2 18:09:06 PST 2004

I made an iDVD from an iMovie. Now in the Project folder I see  a QT 
icon with its title suffix .mov
  Also in the Project folder I see a subfolder titled Shared Movies 
within which is a folder titled iDVD.
  That folder shows the above same QT icon with same title and suffix 
They both list at 1.1 MB.
1. Can I assume they are identical?
2. How come the QT .mov in the Shared Movie folder shows an earlier 
date, by  about 7 hrs than the other .mov when the shared QT .mov 
occurred at an earlier hour?
3. At only 1.1 MB for an approx 1 hr movie, what is the actual content 
of the .mov?

Thank you,

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