On Wednesday, November 3, 2004, at 08:13 PM, Ted Langdell wrote: > ANYTHING Mac or DV related into their posts. Why is it that some tapes ( I get tapes from several camera people) play on one machine and not another. I mean play without constant glitching? My stuff works right. Many tapes are made right and capture easily . But some, especially the DVCam ones, seem to play ok but the capture stops with a message that FCP has detected "a problem with the data". These tapes often only play 3 -4 seconds at a time and some clear up after about two minutes. It isn't my prefs. With a decent tape my stuff can stop save and proceed past a TC glitch by itself. I often capture a full hour and cut it up later. No problemo. I thought it was my capture control TC settings but they are ok. If I see real timecode I switch to it. I though it was my older player but the tapes often (not always) also do this trick in my newer player. Could it be that the cameras overheat? Sometimes I even get some that the "home office" couldn't play and those go just fine. It is frustrating trying to find just the angle of this problem. Sometimes I think my little player overheats running at 130%. Sometimes I think these guys bury their cameras between jobs. Jim