[MacDV] (no subject)

pwadams at aol.com pwadams at aol.com
Sat Nov 6 09:05:59 PST 2004

My advice would be to make sure you have the boxes  on the far right of 
the audio timeline ( on the bottom of your screen or what you call the 
"movie" line.  are checked. unchecked means they stay silent.  Not sure 
about in the clips pane though.  In preferences...did you have the 
filter audio from  camera?  Might want to uncheck that and try 
reimporting the material.

On Nov 5, 2004, at 1:25 PM, Abigail Spindel wrote:

> hi, now that I've joined the list may I ask my question, which is:
> Why isn't the sound working when I import from my PAL digital video 
> recorder? It was working for a little while when I first started 
> importing, but only in the shelf and not when I brought it down to the 
> 'movie' line.  After a while the sound also didn't work in the shelf.
> Please, I am in Russia and desperate for an answer.  It is very hard 
> to find macintosh help here.
> Thank you,
> Abby S.
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