[MacDV] Boris Title Crawl

lloyds lloyds at vermontel.net
Mon Nov 22 06:54:35 PST 2004

Did you type in returns at ends of the lines where you wanted them?


Steve Robertson wrote:

> Anybody seen this problem? I was working on a movie today in FCE and
> added a text crawl superimposed on another video clip. After rendering,
> the crawl worked fine except that it cut off 13 letters and spaces at
> the beginning and about six letters at the end.
> The text was about two lines on a regular printed letter. It was long
> enough that I had to stretch the standard ten seconds to twenty seconds
> to slow it down enough to read. I tried every option I could think of -
> adding blank spaces before and after the text, starting over and
> re-typing the text, etc. with the same result every time.
> Steve R.
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