[MacDV] Editing with a G3 Lombard PowerBoo-playback issues

R B Williams brucewll at comcast.net
Wed Oct 6 18:58:29 PDT 2004

I have Final cut express running on a Lombard under 10.2 Jag. It is smooth
both in and out and saves me loads of time trimming to best shots for
final edits later.

Final Cut is much easier than iMovie on your harddrive and I bet that's
where your playback issues originate. I use an external FW drive so that
the footage isn't transferred later, just replugged.


Ted Langdell wrote:

> Ted Langdell
> Ted Langdell Creative Broadcast Services
> Marysville, CA
> Have just upgraded my G3 400MHz Lombard Laptop with 512MB RAM, 40GB
> Fujitsu HD w/ 8MB buffer.  Am using a somewhat generic cardbus 2-port
> Firewire card for connection to camera/hard drives.
> Using a fresh install of OS 10.3.5 with latest updates, one partition
> on the drive.
> With iMovie 4 (with latest update), video captures fine.  Playback out
> to the camera is somewhat a different story.  Video will intermittently
> hang for a frame or two, hang for longer periods of time, stutter, or
> sometimes get WAAAAY out of sync w/audio.
> Intended to try FCP to see whether there was a difference, but I'm not
> able to run FCP 2 in the Classic mode, don't have 3, and can't run 4HD
> which I do have since it's not a G4.
> I could repartition/reload everything to use a separate OS9 partition
> to run FCP 2, but I'd like to avoid that if I can, in part since I have
> to pop the top 256MB chip out in order to get 10.3 to install.
> If that'll solve the problem, I'll do that.
> The intended use of the G3 is as a portable way of cutting down say
> 20-40 minutes of raw news video into just the "best" sound bites and
> B-roll so my client stations don't miss stuff that's far beyond the
> first five minutes of tape.
> That will cut my dubbing time per station down, and if someone else is
> driving, I can do the cut-down on the trip from wherever to Sacramento.
> Ted.
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