On Friday, October 8, 2004, at 12:37 PM, Mark M. Florida wrote: > Please do. I was having problems with mine last night, but I don't > know if > it was the drive or the hacked install of Panther I was running on a > Beige > G3. iTunes didn't recognize it for burning, and discs wouldn't mount, > or if > they did, they had problems reading. I doubt it is the actual drive, > because it burned a couple of discs fine using Toast Ti 5 under OS 9 > on that > same (ancient) machine. I was thinking of putting it in a FireWire > case to > use with my new iBook anyway, so that may be the way to go. > > Maybe we gotta wait for Apple to update Panther and/or the iApps to > work > properly with this drive? I didn't have a chance to try Toast Ti 6 > yet, and > I'm going to see if it works properly in my G4 at work... Maybe the > drive > had some kind of freak out and died... That would suck... > > Ain't new technology fun? :-P > > - Mark > Mark, try this stuff: http://eshop.macsales.com/OSXCenter/XPostFacto/ Framework.cfm?page=XPostFacto.html maybe this: http://www.os9forever.com/os9helper.html They both work GREAT for me. Jim