[MacDV] Pioneer DVD Burner 106D Problems

Marilyn Cristiano marilyn.cristiano at pvmail.maricopa.edu
Wed Oct 13 17:20:51 PDT 2004

Dear Peter,

I just spoke with a OtherWorldComputings technician, and he said the 
problem is probably because the computer went to sleep.  He had me set 
the computer to never go to sleep.

Could that be the simple fix?

Thank you!


Peter Tattersall wrote:

> On 13-Oct-04, at 3:30 PM, Marilyn Cristiano wrote:
>> Here is my problem. 
>>  I successfully burned a five-minute iMovie in iDVD with a built-in 
>> Pioneer 106D DVD burner.
>>  I also tried to burn a 25 to 30 minute iMovie in iDVD and received 
>> the following messages after about three hours:
>>  First message:  Errors were found during the burning process:  
>> Recording engine:  Device failed to respond properly, unable to 
>> recover or retry.
>>  I clicked ok and received the second message as follows:
>>  Your Macintosh does not have a supported Superdrive.  Please note 
>> that while you will be able to work with iDVD projects, you will not 
>> be able to burn a DVD disc.
>>  Here are the specifications for my Power Mac G4:
>>  Mac OSX Version 10.2.8
>>  Memory 1.06 GB
>>  Processor:  1 GHz
>>  Bus speed:  100 Mhz
>>  L2 cache size 256K
>>  L3 cache size 2MB
>>  Machine Model:  Power Mac G4 (AGP graphics) (version = 2.1)
>>  Boot ROM info:  4.2.8f1
>>  OHHHH, this is what I found under Devices and Volumes, CD-RW/DVD-R
>>  Disc Burning                             Not supported
>>  Unit Number                              0
>>  ATA Device Type                      atapi
>>  Device Serial                             CLDC446344WL
>>  Device Revision                        1.07
>>  Product Identification                 DVD-RW  DVR-106D
>>  Vendor Identification                  PIONEER
>>  I wonder why it says Disc Burning "Not Supported."
>>  Any help you all can give me would be greatly appreciated!
>>  Thank you!
>>  Marilyn
> That's an upgraded drive, and it's always a risk when you upgrade - 
> you may find that the drive is not fully supported. While Mac OS 
> 10.2.8 is supposed to support the 106D, it may not, depending on the 
> path you took to reach that version of the operating system. In 
> addition, a small number of Pioneer 106D's are not compatible with 
> Macs because their firmware is very slightly different from that in 
> other examples of the same model. In your case, though, the firmware 
> looks ok (the product id says DVD-RW while in unsupported models the 
> id says DVD RW, without the hyphen).
> You might try patchburn 
> <http://www.macwelt.de/magazin/0310/PatchBurn1.1en.sit> (at your own 
> risk!) or check out the FAQ at
> http://forums.xlr8yourmac.com/faq.lasso and read the DVD FAQs on the 
> DVR-106D/DVR-A06
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