[MacDV] Pioneer DVD Burner 106D Problems

Marilyn Cristiano marilyn.cristiano at pvmail.maricopa.edu
Wed Oct 13 23:36:24 PDT 2004

Dear Mary,

Thank you so much for your advice.  It worked!

I went to the Other World Computing web site and found a support phone 
number.  I spoke with a technician who solved my problem in two 
minutes.  He had me go to System Preferences and click on Energy Saver.  
Then, he had me put the sleep mode on never.  I did so, and I burned my 
30-minute iMovie in iDVD. 

I did have one problem though.  I ended the movie with a one minute dvd 
movie clip that I shot with my Canon ZR 10 camcorder.  The picture and 
the audio (talking) are out of sync.  It is not out of sync when I play 
it in iMovie.  Any insights on that problem would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to all who responded to my question.  I am greatly appreciative!!!


Mary Russell wrote:

> Go to OtherWorldComputings.  They have a wonderful tech center.  I've 
> used it to get my
> 107 supported.
> <http://eshop.macsales.com/tech_center/index.cfm>
> Mary
> marilyn.cristiano at pvmail.maricopa.edu wrote:
>> Here is my problem.
>> I successfully burned a five-minute iMovie in iDVD with a built-in 
>> Pioneer 106D DVD burner.
>> I also tried to burn a 25 to 30 minute iMovie in iDVD and received 
>> the following messages after about three hours:
>> First message:  Errors were found during the burning process:  
>> Recording engine:  Device failed to respond properly, unable to 
>> recover or retry.
>> I clicked ok and received the second message as follows:
>> Your Macintosh does not have a supported Superdrive.  Please note 
>> that while you will be able to work with iDVD projects, you will not 
>> be able to burn a DVD disc.
>> Here are the specifications for my Power Mac G4:
>> Mac OSX Version 10.2.8
>> Memory 1.06 GB
>> Processor:  1 GHz
>> Bus speed:  100 Mhz
>> L2 cache size 256K
>> L3 cache size 2MB
>> Machine Model:  Power Mac G4 (AGP graphics) (version = 2.1)
>> Boot ROM info:  4.2.8f1
>> OHHHH, this is what I found under Devices and Volumes, CD-RW/DVD-R
>> Disc Burning                             Not supported
>> Unit Number                              0
>> ATA Device Type                      atapi
>> Device Serial                             CLDC446344WL
>> Device Revision                        1.07
>> Product Identification                 DVD-RW  DVR-106D
>> Vendor Identification                  PIONEER
>> I wonder why it says Disc Burning "Not Supported."
>> Any help you all can give me would be greatly appreciated!
>> Thank you!
>> Marilyn
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