[MacDV] Buying DV tape

revDAVE coolcat at hostalive.com
Mon Oct 18 12:44:00 PDT 2004

I would like to transfer some video to DV tape.  I  do not have a camera
myself, however I have some nice friends with cameras that they can loan me
to do this purpose. Then I can use these tapes again later when I purchase a
camera for myself. 

Several years ago - I heard rumors that it was  best to not mix brands of
tape together with one camera - it was something about oil residue from the
tape eventually messing up the heads  or something like that... It was never
quite made clear to me. Is this at all true ... ?   Does anybody have any
preferences on what kind Of DV tape to purchase for this project?

 thanks in advance for your help - RevDave

Thanks - RevDave
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