[MacDV] [OT] Prognostications...was Re: Past contributo

Lanny Cotler lcotler at saber.net
Sun Oct 31 22:00:52 PST 2004

The most important thing to remember is who is 
going to appointed two or three SCJustices!!!!

>On 10/31/04 at 5:36 AM, Lene Wangmo <wangmo at earthlink.net> transmitted
>the following electronic message:
>>On 10/30/04 8:49 PM, "chris.film at gmail.com" <chris.film at gmail.com>
>>>  Kerry won't be the next President.
>>>  _______________________________________________
>>>  MacDV mailing list
>>>  MacDV at listserver.themacintoshguy.com
>>>  http://listserver.themacintoshguy.com/mailman/listinfo/macdv
>>If Kerry is not our next president, then we'll be in very deep ca-ca,
>Whichever of the two major party clowns is our next president, we'll be
>in deep ca-ca. What a sh*tty pair to choose from :(
>(my opinion, shared by many with whom I've spoken)
>Dennis Cohen___________

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