I'll pipe up. Since I've been actively burning DVD's to archive a bunch of videos from the basement, I've used Fry's "GC" 8X brand DVD-R's as well as TDK's 8X's. They both work well. The TDK's were on sale at Target (still are) and CompUSA for about $9 per 20/25. The "GC"s even cheaper. Can't comment on compatibility as I don't actually have a dedicated DVD player. I've no idea how fast they're burning and it remains to be seen how well they hold up. If you haven't already, videohelp.com is a good site to check . . . On Apr 20, 2005, at 12:26 PM, Nick Scalise wrote: > > Anybody else have good, wide, compatibility with 8x DVD-R blanks? What > brand are you using?