Brian Olesky wrote: >I'm a freelance writer and when I call on prospective clients, I've always >showed my reel of TV spots and corporate videos on VHS, meaning I'd have to >go to a professional studio and have a new one made every year or so. > >However, thanks to my 15" 1.5 gig AlBook, iMovie and iDVD, I'm now able to >build custom DVD reels for each pitch, a huge step forward--both in content >and quality. However sometimes the people I'm talking to don't have a DVD >player in the room, and I have to show my reel on VHS (ugh). > >So, now that I'm making custom reels on DVD, what's the best transfer method >for these VHS presentations? > >Should I buy one of those combo DVD/VHS set top boxes to do the transfer? >Are some better than others at this kind of task? (I recently saw one at a >Sam's Warehouse for $118). > >Would the quality be the same running a cable from my standalone DVD player >to my standalone VHS player to do the transfer? > >Or would I be best off running some kind of cable from my AlBook to the >client's TV and showing it directly from the original file? > >Quality is important, as the material contains high-end video and sound and >I'd like it to retain as much quality as possible. > >Thanks, >Brian > >_______________________________________________ >MacDV mailing list >MacDV at > > >Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random stuff: > > > I think you said you were using a laptop? If so why not use it as the DVD player? Run an adapter out of the monitor port of the laptop to the s-video of the TV and use a cable from the head phone jack to the red and white RCA plugs of the TV. My little ibook gives me theatre quality sound on my tv at home using the ibook as the DVD player. I got the monitor adaptor through apple and the audio cable at radio shack. About a 40 dollar investment at the most. Tom